
About The Kafka Pandemic

Hi and welcome.

Maybe the best overview is my Open letter to Francis Collins, director of NIH.

Welcome to The Kafka Pandemic, my first post, explains the Kafka Pandemic and the blog. Part of it is outdated.

If you know a bit more, Three things people don't know gives a terse executive overview (and an introduction to Samuel's razor).

Some posts

Misopathy is like racism, except against people who have diseases. Why some diseases are wronged is a brief overview of misopathy. I want every sufferer to read the latter.

Every question in The FAQ that should never be necessary is an example of misopathy. (Even knowledgeable people can be tripped up by myths, which are promoted by propaganda.)

Severity and disease progression are critical awareness topics. Characterization explains why early-stage sufferers are critical in advocacy. More you than you explains why severity (including the breadth of the disease) is essential for early-stage sufferers, scientists, and research funders. IMO a good thing to pass along.

I urge action with grim cold focused rage. The suffering and death will not stop until we make people uncomfortable. Including ourselves.

Would you like to usher in a new age of mankind? I believe it is time. (Here is the part about the age of mankind itself, but beware: it is written in a different style.)

If you click on a label, you'll get a list of posts with that label. For example, humor is under with due seriousness.

Old posts are as relevant as new ones

This is not a current events blog. Old posts are as relevant as new ones.

My posts typically take years or months to write, so this blog is more of an interlinked website with valuable comments.

Please comment on — and share — anything, anytime.

About me

I meet strict definitions for severe multisystem (many parts of the body are affected just like AIDS) neuroimmune diseases — and then some.

I am bedridden except for bathroom and special occasions.

Yes, on special occasions, I take a stroll to the refrigerator, enjoying a view of the floor and the funnels sprouting up beside the path. The dust bunnies frolic. On the way back, the "drip, drip" of the faucet sometimes pierces the fog, as if signaling the need to collapse before fainting. Another magnificent trip, a bottle of water its tangible bounty; another several hours of recovery required to reach pre-exertional baseline.

The last time I left the house was a year or two ago on a dashing safari to the emergency room; the time before that was a year or two earlier. I managed to bag a male poorly-concealed derision on the first try. I caught it while it was half-heartedly pretending to have looked at a diagnostic result. Almost too easy, really. I don't remember at present whether it was a you-look-fine-to-me or a you're-healthy. Their dominance hierarchies are so hard to keep track of, don't you think?

I keep it mounted on my wall.
